A picture of me

Sayf Eddin Ahmed

Software Developer

◇ About Me ◇

My personal mission is to give to society through technology. I am always eager to learn and often become obsessed with accomplishing tasks — the more difficult the better. Within my various endeavors, I spend my time working on projects alone and closely collaborating. I am constantly looking for ways to improve myself and help those around me.

I love exercising my creativity by playing guitar or painting, especially with friends. I also enjoy going outside to play soccer or for a long hike. My most recent achievement is climbing Mont Blanc.

◇ Work History ◇

Front-End Developer

Hogarth Worldwide
  • Created time‑sensitive marketing assets for over 300 campaigns for The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, and Barron’s ~4,000,000 current readers and hundreds of thousands of potential ones
  • Co‑managed wsjpro.com through WordPress by building PHP modules with JavaScript to give hundreds of premium users a premium experience
  • Composed shop pages for news subscriptions and bundles sales with JavaScript and Webpack that 100% of customers interacted with
  • Created an entire web platform for WSJ Journal House on Splash’s event content management system (CMS)

Full-Stack Developer Intern

Syracuse University Division of Marketing and Communications
  • Managed high‑level software systems for Syracuse University which affected ~15,000 WordPress sites
  • Developed an API for Centro’s bus data with pandas and Django to allow implementation for ~300 routes
  • Deployed a multi‑threaded WordPress site management tool through full dev cycle using Django and Ansible Tower API for thousands of site owners to backup, archive, nuke, and more with a single click

Junior Django Developer

Syracuse University School of Information Studies
  • Integrated and troubleshooted complex Django web application using test driven development, PostgreSQL, CI/CD, accessibility, and Kanban development
  • Constructed a web app for university events with approval system and JavaScript multi‑view calendar
  • Engineered a form builder with JavaScript to digitize and facilitate college transfer application process

◇ Education ◇

Syracuse University

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Minor in Cognitive Science
Magna Cum Laude
May 2021